1This is s flat triangular bone that lies on the posterior surface of the chest wall.
2 It extends from the 2nd to the 7th rib of the chest wall.
3It is not directly attached to the wall of the chest, instead it is connected freely by muscles to allow for free movement of the scapula over the wall and by extension free movement of the arm
4The main mass or body of bone is bounded by the; lateral, medial and the superior border.
5 It has two angles; superior angle formed by the joining of the superior and the medial border, the inferior angle formed by the joining of the medial and lateral border.
6An articular surface which is shallow and oval is formed at the junction of the superior and inferior borders called the ‘GLENOID CAVITY’. Above and below this cavity is found the supraglenoid and the infraglenoid cavity respectively.
7 The scapula also has a DORSAL AND COSTAL surface. The costal body is slightly concave and is directed medially and forwards forming the ‘SUBSCAPULAR FOSSA’, while the dorsal surface is directed laterally and backwards and is divided by a fang-like projection ‘SPINE’ dividing the dorsal surface into ‘SUPRASPINOUS FOSSA’ and ‘INFRASPINOUS FOSSA’. These fossae communicate at the lateral end of the spine by the SPINOGLENOID NOTCH’.
8 At the lateral end, the spine is futher extended to form a flattened piece of bone overhanging the glenoid called ‘ACROMION’. The lateral and the posterior borders of the acromion meet at a sharp bend- acromial angle which can be palpated
9 From the superior  border of the scapula and medial to the glenoid cavity is  blunt projection ‘CORACOID PROCESS’ which is directed anteriorly and laterally in front of the glenoid cavity. In the superior border of the scapula and medial to the coracoids process is the ‘SCAPULAR NOTCH’
#Levator scapulae and Rhomboid muscles; they are attached to the medial border of the scapula ( from above downwards)
#Seratus anterior mucles;  The eight digitations of this muscles are attached to the scapula more anteriorly. Four of the digitations are attached to the inferior angle
#Teres major and teres minor muscles; These muscles are attached along the lateral border of the scapula
#Capsule of shoulder joint; Its attached to the bone just in front of the glenoid cavity of the scapula
#Long heads of biceps brachii; Its attached to the supraglenoid tubercle of the glenoid cavity
Short head of biceps brachii and #Coracobrachialis muscle; These muscles are attached to the tips of the coracoids process
#Long heads of triceps brachii; Its attached to the infraglenoid tubercle of the glenoid cavity
#Subscapularis muscle; This is attached to the subscapular fossa on the costal surface of the scapula
#Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus muscles ; They are attached to the suparspinous and infraspinous fossa on the dorsal surface of the scapula respectively
#Trapezius muscle; Its attached to the upper border of the spine and the medial border of the acromion
#Deltoid muscle ; This is attached to the lower border of the spine and the lateral border of the acromion
#Pectoralis minor; This muscle is attached to the medial side of the coracoid process
#Omohyoid muscle; The inferior belly of this muscle is attached to the scapular notch
#Conoid and Trapezius ligaments; conoid ligament is attached to the coracoids process near the scapular notch, while the trapezius ligament is attached to the upper surface of the coracoids surface
#Coracoclavicular ligament; This ligament has its other end attached to the lateral border of the scapular- precisely on the acromion and so called the coraco-acromial ligament


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