Ever thought of the possibility of you making a living out of your God given skills, talents or gifts ( I don't mean gifts for ministry or spiritual gifts)? Well if your answer is yes, then I want you to know you're not alone, you're not the first and you won't be the last
          Today I want to share three steps I think are the safest way to actualizing your dream of your skill, gift or talent bringing in money.... First of I would say " though the goal is to monetize your abilities, don't let money be the focus, drive or any other center point". Next " I want to say that inspiration to do comes only from God, and when He gives an inspiration, you can be sure He didn't give it to you alone at that time but it depends on how fast you are able to obey by action ".  Next "
Never make money your motivation, such can't sustain rather it keeps u running but running after the wrong thing and at the same time  running away from what isn't chasing you.... Passion and service are better motivators, they keep you running and impacting lives and on the long run influence but greatest of all they keep you running with peace and satisfaction on the inside, they keep you strong when all fall ". Ultimately " Acknowledge God in all your ways and He will make them straight because the power to make wealth is truly from Him"
          If you are reading this I automatically believe you are one of the few students who take time to meditate and consider possibilities in your life and not merely blinded by the deceitfulness of the school wall settings. Its not a crime if you feel you haven't really discovered your specific talents, gifts or acquired a tangible skill yet but just make sure that at every point in time you are progressing, the Lord is faithful to put you through as you take steps.
          Now to the main issue ; I have an ability (skill, talent or gift) and I'm inspired to dare nuture the thought that it could fetch me money,  what do I do? ....
*The first and most common mistake I could make is to jump straight into selling or placing money value on my ability.
THE RESULT, I can't last at all.... The longest would be two three months because mere discouragement might just be enough to stop me. I start to perform under pressure, I begin to use my ability with distasteful attitude ( no passion and satisfaction), there would be no time to professionalise an I become stale and quit when I feel I'm doing nothing new, my influence will never grow beyond where it started from and I won't have people who would be loyal to my ability and what it produces or offers.
# Step 1: Professionalise - Start by increasing your expertise, your confidence, competence, practice over and over again on your own work on yourself, spend time increasing yourself
THE ADVANTAGE; this is needed when there is an intellectual challenge, discouragement from intimidation, sudden occurrence,
*The second mistake I could make is launch into monetizing banking on my expertise
THE RESULT; I might be able to last a little longer, beat other competitors, escape intellectual challenge and discouragements but I would face the other disadvantage of the first person
#Step 2; Making it worthwhile - I like to better describe this as adding emotions to what your ability offers. The idea behind this is getting to know those who might be interested in your ability and what it offers, and how you could make it more valuable, memorable, attractive, handy, needful or useful or more appealing or making life easier for them
THE ADVANTAGE; You indirectly create a market and disclose possibilities of other markets and faithful customers
* The third mistake I could make is to launch into monetizing banking on my expertise and my little market
THE RESULT; I might be able to last much more longer overcoming the problems of the first two but  not pressure and over time I begin to loose market and faithful customers due to dubious competitors with more attractive offers or who could poison the minds of your customers
#Step 3; Service - Here you offer your abilities without majoring on the money profit but on impacting lives and beating sure results...
THE ADVANTAGE; It opens to you a point of greatness, influence. It helps you improve  (develop expertise )even while growing your market and more faithful customers and at the same time making certain level of money. It helps you perform under peace without  pressure that comes with money. It offers you steady growth.
THE RESULT; when you put these three basic steps in placed you would have acquired and learnt by experience the basic lessons of making money and would be in better standing to put other necessary steps to play comfortably....
Your skills, talents or gifts can be avenues to your wealth if only you work on it and seek ways to use it in advancing your world


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