THE MENTOR'S PACKAGE; The Most Realistic Movie !!!
Several times we've watched different things on the TV screen and we've been like " wow! Is this real, I must do this ". Can we relate to this? Don't pretend, OK let's give instances
* We watch all the Indian movies and we begin to pick up ideas as " Love at first sight" ( how can it be at first sight when love is more about commitment )all of a sudden our RAS system begins to take not of every single coincidence ( reasonable or not)and begin to interpret them as indicators to true love and begin to place ourselves in situations that warrant our exploit opportunities and then discover that it was nothing in the first place OR
* When we watch a movie of a man who came from a low profile background and end up becoming a no1 money maker and after watching we are inspired to struggle and make it big in life but then we hit the bed or our meditation spot thinking about how we would grab the future opportunities and then we end up coming out with half our energies spent in ecstatic meditation without doing a single thing ( meditation is good don't get me wrong).
After some of these experiences, we come out with statements like " forget it, this things are not real, face reality joor" of for the hopeful ones we say " may be its not just my time, I should just wait and it'll happen when my time is due". The truth is that both ways, we are right but we fail to realize that whilst the movies try to show us what happens, they do not tell us terms and conditions, the fiction nature as against reality, they do not show us how to go about starting them, the dynamics
One of our greatest moment is the time we called upon by life to act our own scripts, but the problem is that with our scripts, mistakes done might be difficult or even impossible to correct. Even when we act it correctly we realize it wasn't as interesting as we thought or as perfect as we were made to believe. This is largely because when we act our script we are so engrossed with solving every situation at hand until suddenly we realize it has summed up into our own movie.
* We watch all the Indian movies and we begin to pick up ideas as " Love at first sight" ( how can it be at first sight when love is more about commitment )all of a sudden our RAS system begins to take not of every single coincidence ( reasonable or not)and begin to interpret them as indicators to true love and begin to place ourselves in situations that warrant our exploit opportunities and then discover that it was nothing in the first place OR
* When we watch a movie of a man who came from a low profile background and end up becoming a no1 money maker and after watching we are inspired to struggle and make it big in life but then we hit the bed or our meditation spot thinking about how we would grab the future opportunities and then we end up coming out with half our energies spent in ecstatic meditation without doing a single thing ( meditation is good don't get me wrong).
After some of these experiences, we come out with statements like " forget it, this things are not real, face reality joor" of for the hopeful ones we say " may be its not just my time, I should just wait and it'll happen when my time is due". The truth is that both ways, we are right but we fail to realize that whilst the movies try to show us what happens, they do not tell us terms and conditions, the fiction nature as against reality, they do not show us how to go about starting them, the dynamics
One of our greatest moment is the time we called upon by life to act our own scripts, but the problem is that with our scripts, mistakes done might be difficult or even impossible to correct. Even when we act it correctly we realize it wasn't as interesting as we thought or as perfect as we were made to believe. This is largely because when we act our script we are so engrossed with solving every situation at hand until suddenly we realize it has summed up into our own movie.
How wonderful it would be if we could watch a movie based on real life conditions and not conditions dictated by the movie directors.
This is the beauty of watching closely your mentors. they could serve as leverage for your journey. You stand the opportunity to watch a you in another man act a real life script under real conditions. This kind of movie is not just inspiring and then leave you hanging like the Tv screens, they are highly impactful and automatically place upon realities that are much bigger than you nevertheless are real. Its a risk, but its a sure one because its governed by strict laws.
Finding a mentor is all about looking for a you in another man, but you cant find a you that you dont know. This tells us that only a man who has a sense of direction and purpose can identify a mentor and really enjoy the benefits of a mentor.With a good mentor, you hardly can record failures ( and even when you fail, a good mentor can help you harness that failure and give an easy platform to start over from or to continue from). A mentor is one that easily commands your respect, you can submit to him, this is most likely because you see a possibility of yourself in him or you see certain common traits, interest, values. You may not know, but your mentors experiences are indicators of what can happen in your life as well ( whether good or bad) so the reason why we must be sure of what it is we really want and how to avert what we dont want. Mentors open a channel of service for us which is a key to the door of streams of greatness.
So the next time you are about to embark on a new chapter, seek out guidance, get to know about people who have done the same ( whether dead or alive) and learn by observation and questioning, this could save a lot of your resources. its all about LEVERAGING!! You want to know about how to be an academically excellent student be mentored, you want to know how to attain financial independence be mentored,you want to know how to walk closely with God be mentored, you want to know how to reach those your big dreams be mentored, you want to know how to manage a relationship without it affecting you in other areas of your life be mentored by someone who you are sure is operating comfortably in that dimension and is beating great results.... getting to know your mentors teaches you a lot of ''behind the scene'' realities that the Tv screen doesn't show or that you cant know about from a distance.
I want to leave you with a statement one of my mentors said to me at a point in my life. He said '' At times and most of the times, what is needed is not your best, all that is needed is just obedience'' i want to add to it '' honour, respect, observance and service''.
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