Certain Features Of The Skeletal Muscle Fibre ; Striations
A band; the thick filaments are made up of myosin fibres and and align at the middle of the sarcomere and this forms what is called the A-band. Because of the thick filaments, they are dark in appearance, but also based on the fact that the thin filaments also overlap the thick filaments at the edge of the A band, it gives it a more darker appearance. If this overlap occurs at the edges of the A band it tells us that certain points on the A band will be lighter than the other- this will mean the edges will be even more darker than the centre of the A band and this section is called the H zone ( this is so because  it only consist of thick filamens and not an overlap of thin and thick. At the centre of the H zone are certain dark myomesin protein lines that vertically dissects the H zone and they are called the M line
NOTE; The A bands is not the filament itself, its only given this association by virtue of the arrangement of the filaments ( same goes for the I band)
I band; Thin filaments are made up of actin  and are at the edges of a sarcomere and this is what makes up the I band. They are generally lighter in appearance ( even lighter than the A band). On the I band is a darker area that serves as a midline interruption for each I band and this is called the Z disc
NOTE;  From a Z disc to another Z disc serves as the demarcation of a sarcomere


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