God's Presence ; Key to greatness

How can a man become great, how can a man have so much influence, how can a man walk as though a god, how can a man be this.... Is the question I keep asking myself more frequently than any other.
           I can't seem to understand it. No man who has truly attained some of these dimensions in our times is ordinary, when you look closely, you will realize he is a man closely associated to a god - Whether in the case of a Christian, a Muslim or a traditional worshipper... I think I figured it out. When a man has come to a certain level of power he begins to fear he might fall, disappoint, not deliver.... But there are certain men who constantly deliver, soar higher and perform as expected. These are men who are associated with the true living God.
          The wonderful part of being associated with this God is that He's a God of love who has our interest in mind. Once we accept His outstretched hands, all He requires from us is obedience. The moment we begin to obey He makes provision for us to be magnified. He wants His children magnified in this world.
         Sounds really wonderful, but that's not the secret... The secret is that it comes as a result of His evident presence in our lives, when we live constantly in His presence hearing and obeying, His glory rubs off upon us and suddenly we realize the people are ready to go the extra mile with us, the people are ready to subject themselves to us, the people are ready to fight for our cause. They do these things not because of you, its because of His presence they see with you. Its then you'll truly understand the key to a life of glory, victory, influence and greatness is not about striving or pleasing men or doing big things, it's carrying God's presence, it's about seeking to please Him always so that He stays continually with you, its about seeking His fire and when you do this sooner than later THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE GATHERING AROUND TO WATCH YOU BURN IN GOD'S FIRE AND GLORY.... This is the very essence of man, it's what guarantees greatness in a man irrespective of his background or present location.... Its God's glory... Seek it today by fellowshipping with Him and His son through the WORD and guided by His sweet Holy Spirit.
      " You've got all it takes to be great in this life now, see you at the chambers of true great men"


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