
Showing posts from March, 2016

Money mentality; Money is to be conquered!!!

She immediately caught my attention the moment she made that statement in class " Money can help you have long life" and I had to cut the silent gist between  I and my friend to tell him " I really believe in that" a similar thought line that I had been nursing for a long time but have been scared to say it out because I thought people would not understand or want to give it a consideration or I left it because it was controversial, but only once have I dared to speak to Dad about it and luckily enough he was open minded enough to understand and throw more light and even gave me a more clearer analysis.... * Here is my own thought ; "I sincerely believe that there are spending that do not necessarily take away from us and at extreme that certain spending has the potential to save your life"--- I'm not talking about the aspect of life now but I want to talk of the ability to spend money in such a way that imparts you.           I still ...


Ever thought of the possibility of you making a living out of your God given skills, talents or gifts ( I don't mean gifts for ministry or spiritual gifts)? Well if your answer is yes, then I want you to know you're not alone, you're not the first and you won't be the last           Today I want to share three steps I think are the safest way to actualizing your dream of your skill, gift or talent bringing in money.... First of I would say " though the goal is to monetize your abilities, don't let money be the focus, drive or any other center point". Next " I want to say that inspiration to do comes only from God, and when He gives an inspiration, you can be sure He didn't give it to you alone at that time but it depends on how fast you are able to obey by action ".  Next " Never make money your motivation, such can't sustain rather it keeps u running but running after the wrong thing and at the same time  running away from what ...


WHAT IS MEDMENTORS ABOUT ? What am i doing with this and why are we wasting our precious time here ?         Well Medmentors is not about Folarin Gbemileke Oluchukwu or about any other partner here. Medmentors is simply about medically inclined students who have decided to achieve success by all creative means and have just decide to use this medium as one of their many leverage systems. WHAT MEDMENTORS OFFER ; Medmentors I tell you is simply based on a leverage system, it offers mentorship and avenues to academic success and better understanding especially in the line of human sciences. It is about students who have decide to take risks by opening up their bank of knowledge that others might gain from it but nevertheless, by so doing they themselves gain mastery. It is a win-win idea for those who will be committed to learning and learning to impact lives. To every one inspired ( Mentee); It is a risk you are willing to take with wisdom, you stand a chance to pro...

THE MENTOR'S PACKAGE; The Most Realistic Movie !!!

Several times we've watched different things on the TV screen and we've been like " wow! Is this real, I must do this ". Can we relate to this? Don't pretend, OK let's give instances * We watch all the Indian movies and we begin to pick up ideas as " Love at first sight" ( how can it be at first sight when love is more about commitment )all of a sudden our RAS system begins to take not of every single coincidence ( reasonable or not)and begin to interpret them as indicators to true love and begin to place ourselves in situations that warrant our exploit opportunities and then discover that it was nothing in the first place OR * When we watch a movie of a man who came from a low profile background and end up becoming a no1 money maker and after watching we are inspired to struggle and make it big in life but then we hit the bed or our meditation spot thinking about how we would grab the future opportunities and then we end up coming out with half ...


There are basically 3 steps involved in the triggering and generation of action potential; Generation of  end plate potential; This occurs after the acetycholine has attached to its receptor and now stimulates the opening of certain chemically gated Na/ K channels allowing the movement of these ions. More of the Na ions move into the cell causing a change in potential. this local depolarization established is called an end plate potential Depolarization; This stage involves the generation and propagation of action potential. the end plate potential stimulates the opening of certain voltage gated Na channels leading to the influx of more Na ion  increasingly until certain voltage - the threshold voltage has been overcomed and action potential is generated. This action potential is propagated in all direction stimulating futher opening of other voltage gated Na channels  Repolarization; This stage involves the restoring of the sarcolemma to its normal polarized state. ...


Certain Features Of The Skeletal Muscle Fibre ; Striations A band ; the thick filaments are made up of myosin fibres and and align at the middle of the sarcomere and this forms what is called the A-band . Because of the thick filaments, they are dark in appearance, but also based on the fact that the thin filaments also overlap the thick filaments at the edge of the A band, it gives it a more darker appearance. If this overlap occurs at the edges of the A band it tells us that certain points on the A band will be lighter than the other- this will mean the edges will be even more darker than the centre of the A band and this section is called the H zone ( this is so because   it only consist of thick filamens and not an overlap of thin and thick. At the centre of the H zone are certain dark myomesin protein lines that vertically dissects the H zone and they are called the M line NOTE; The A bands is not the filament itself, its only given this association by virtue of the ...


SIMMILAR ITIES # In contraction; * Actin and myosin interact by the sliding filament mechanism * The final trigger for contraction is a rise in the intracellular calcium ion level * ATP energizes the sliding process DIFFERENCES # In structure; * Skeletal muscles are FOUND attached to and covering the bones, while the smooth muscles are  found covering the walls of the hollow organs * Skeletal muscle are long cylindrical cells with many cells in their sarcolemma, while the smooth muscles are spindle shaped (fusiform) with one centrally located nucleus * Skeletal muscles consists of three connective tissues ( perimysium, epimysium and endomysium), while the smooth muscle consists of only endomysium * Skeletal muscle have highly developed neuromuscular junctions, while the smooth muscles have varicosities secreting into diffuse junctions * Skeletal muscle have sarcoplasmic reticulum, while the smooth muscle lacke a well developed srcoplasmic reticulum ( i.e lacking a regul...


# Excitation-Contraction Coupling; This refers to the series of events by which the transmission of action potential along the sarcolemma leads to the sliding of myofilaments. Steps involved in E-C coupling include; 1 Propagation of the AP along the sarcolemma  and down the T-tubules 2 Release of Ca ion; As the the AP is transmitted along the T-tubule, it causes a change in the proteins of the tubule (which are obviously voltage sensitive). This shape change in the tubule cuases the opening of the Ca ion release  channels in the terminal cisterns of the sarcoplasmic recticulum and so an influx of this ion into the cytosol ( sarcoplasm) 3 Calcium binds to troponin; When the Ca ion is released, it binds to the troponin thereby removing the blocking action of the tropomyosin  and exposing binding sites for myosin on the thin filaments 4 Contraction begins; At this point, myosin binds to actin and cross bridge is formed and contraction begins. ( at this point E-C coupling...


REFLEX ARC This is a neural pathway that controls a reflex action. It is the pathway taken by a sensory nerve in transporting information from the receptor to the spinal cord and by the motor nerve in transferring information from the spinal cord to the effector organ during a reflex action. The reflex arc is made up of 5 parts; 1 A RECEPTOR; To detect the stimulus 2 A SENSORY NEURON; To convey sensory information to the brain or spinal cord 3 AN INTERNEURON; They serve as relay neuron 4 A MOTOR NEURON; To conduct motor output to the periphery 5 AN EFFECTOR; To carry out the commands


RECEPTOR ADAPTATION Receptor adaption refers to the speed with which receptors adjust to certain stimuli #TYPES TONIC RECEPTORS; These are receptors that are slow in adapting. E.g. muscle stretch receptors, joint proprioceptors ( for balance and posture) PHASIC RECEPTORS; These are receptors that are rapid in adapting. E.g. tactile receptors in the skin ( the reason why you don’t feel your clothes )


TASTE MODALITIES For the primary sensations of taste, they are as follows; 1 SOUR; This occurs as a result of high acidity or high concentration of H+ 2 SALTY; This occurs as a result of ionized salts or presence of certain cations especially Na+ 3 Sweet ; This occurs mainly as a result of organic molecules 5 BITTER; This occurs as result of long-chain organic substances and alkaloids. Alkaloids are usually present as toxins 6 UMANI; This occurs as a result of glutamate


SPERMATOGENESIS This is the process of the formation of the sperm cell. It entails the maturation of the spermatogonia down to the mature form (sperm). It occurs in the seminiferous tubules. # Seminiferous tubules; these are enlarged canals where the stem cell ( spermatogonia) first appear. The stem cells originate from the leydig cells which are found within the basement/ basal wall of the seminiferous tubule. # Leydig cells; these are the cells that stimulate the production or the appearance of the stem cells (spermatogonia) # Sertoli cells; As these stem cells migrate through the wall of the seminiferous tubule and into its canal, they come across the sertoli cells which stimulates its maturity by providing it with necessary nutrients and  finally phagocytosizing it at spermatid level to form the sperm # Epididymis; When the sperm cells arrive the canal, they begin to move into the epididymis- long narrow channels which are continuations of the seminiferous tubules and exte...


GROWTH; This can best be defined in three terms +Increase in the intercellular component of the cells (Accretionary growth) +Increase in the size of the cells ( Auxetic growth) +Increase in the number of cells (Multiplicative growth) Typically growth in real practical cases usually entails the three forms. PLURIPOTENCY OF A PRIMITIVE CELL; A primitive cell has the ability to specialize along many lines. The fate of primitive cells then depends on the interplay between the generic, cytoplasmic and environmental factors (factors which induces specialization) surrounding the cell. By implication, the cell’s fate or destiny will be affected by the environment, region it finds itself depending on the needs i.e. a primitive cell that finds itself at the eye will suddenly have to conform it protein build up to function as one of the cells in the ophthalmic region. DIFFERENTIATION; This is the process by which a pluripotent cell becomes adapted or conform (specializes) to suite a ce...


PHYSICAL FEATURES / BASIC COMPONENTS OF THE SCAPULA 1This is s flat triangular bone that lies on the posterior surface of the chest wall. 2 It extends from the 2nd to the 7th rib of the chest wall. 3It is not directly attached to the wall of the chest, instead it is connected freely by muscles to allow for free movement of the scapula over the wall and by extension free movement of the arm 4The main mass or body of bone is bounded by the; lateral, medial and the superior border. 5 It has two angles; superior angle formed by the joining of the superior and the medial border, the inferior angle formed by the joining of the medial and lateral border. 6An articular surface which is shallow and oval is formed at the junction of the superior and inferior borders called the ‘GLENOID CAVITY’. Above and below this cavity is found the supraglenoid and the infraglenoid cavity respectively. 7 The scapula also has a DORSAL AND COSTAL surface. The costal body is slightly concave an...

God's Presence ; Key to greatness

How can a man become great, how can a man have so much influence, how can a man walk as though a god, how can a man be this.... Is the question I keep asking myself more frequently than any other.            I can't seem to understand it. No man who has truly attained some of these dimensions in our times is ordinary, when you look closely, you will realize he is a man closely associated to a god - Whether in the case of a Christian, a Muslim or a traditional worshipper... I think I figured it out. When a man has come to a certain level of power he begins to fear he might fall, disappoint, not deliver.... But there are certain men who constantly deliver, soar higher and perform as expected. These are men who are associated with the true living God.           The wonderful part of being associated with this God is that He's a God of love who has our interest in mind. Once we accept His outs...


On your marks! Get set!! *gun blasts*. The marathon race began. The atmosphere in the city was terrific. Fans from far and wide came to support the contestants. This race was unique because it wasn’t a competition against other contestants, rather it was against time. Every contestant had a different track with different obstacles and different times were allotted to each. It wasn’t about who will finish first but who will finish at all before his time runs out. All eyes were on contestant number 4. It was his marathon debut. He was famous for his past successes in short and middle distance races, but this marathon was nothing like he had ever faced. He had barely taken 5 steps before he fell. He got up and continued running. He didn’t run for long again before he fell a second time. At this point, his fans were wondering what could be wrong. He got up once again and continued running. This time he seemed to have gained stability in the race but on approaching his first obstacle, he ...


"Money slow to enter, money quick to go" was the lyrics to a song by a rapper. Actually this is the situation of things as pertaining our finances, we have it coming in at very slow rates but have it flying out at every single opportunity it has. As students, we receive our monthly or weekly due and suddenly there is something to do with money, and even for those of us who feel we are not so expensive and only spend on the necessary things still sooner or later find ourselves asking questions about how we spent our money. This is a phenomenon that I think will continue and maybe has come to stay. I don't think the solution lies only in spending less, but I think it should also include finding a way to make money come in more frequently  and also look for a way to spend which does not necessarily take away from us.     All I'm simply saying is creating multiple streams of income and investing (either in yourself, a profitable business etc) even as students, its ver...


This is to inform those of us who are interested in enjoying the benefits of scholarships about AGBAMI and NNPC scholarships... To apply visit and click "Apply" ( If u already have an account with them) if not sign up for an account with them, provide the necessary documents and then apply as soon as possible.... I think registration closes on the 9th o march