Godly, healthy and positive relationships are basically relationships that move you forward in every aspect of life. They are value adding relationships which help to bring out the best in each party involved in the relationship. They are relationships which are not built on immediate one time benefits but rather on long term increase and productivity. They are relationships where boundaries are not dismissed but are rather celebrated. Relationships where God is the founder and pillar of the relationship and where truth is embraced no matter how bitter it may sound.
These relationships stand the test of time and are very strategic in our preparation for the future. They help in building in us the right attitude and character for the journey ahead of us. They are important in improving our day to day decision making and lifestyle. Proverbs 27:17 says, ‘Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend’. Also, it can serve as a place where burdens are easily expressed and a place where prayers of agreement can be easily made to God.
PRAYER: Matthew 7:7 says, ‘Ask and you shall receive’. God is ready to help as soon as we are ready to ask for help. God can help us build this kind of relationships by drawing the right men to us but this can only be achieved on the platform of prayer. Only God knows the heart of everyone, thus He is the only one who can give us friends with whom we can build this kind of relationship.
BE FRIENDLY: Proverbs 18:24a says, ‘A man that has friends must show himself friendly’. Even the scripture recognises the importance of being friendly as God begins to link us up with people with whom we share like ideals. This scripture reveals that only friendly individuals have friends. You must in your own way show that you are one with whom a godly, healthy and positive relationship can be built. Your own friendly nature is a scent that attracts other people to you.
BE HUMBLE: Humility is an attractive character that draws people to you. Proud people are not usually attractive to other people because they see themselves in a certain way and may assume they are too big to take the first step in building a worthy relationship. Even God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Pride is a repulsive character that we should run away from.
BE READY TO HELP: Friendships are meant to enable us render help to one another. Rendering help can come in different forms. Every individual will pass through one challenge or the other at different phases of their life, thus there is a need for one to be a refuge of support for the other party. This will even attract other people to you. Proverbs 27:10b says, ’For better is a neighbour that is near than a brother that is far off’.
SOW SEEEDS OF SERVICE: Some of the best relationships are formed initially in the place of service. It might be a small unit in a fellowship, an organization, or a small group. Just concentrate on sowing seeds of service and then gradually interact with other members of the unit. As you serve in the unit together and pursue a singular goal you will be able to identify people of like minds that you can connect together and grow together.
DEFINE THE RELATIONSHIP: This is especially important if it is a relationship that involve different sexes. This should be done to prevent unnecessary emotional attachment that may be detrimental to the health of the relationship later on. It should be reaffirmed regularly. Also there may be need to set boundaries in this type of relationship. The boundaries are just to help to curb any unnecessary act or show of emotion or any unproductive step that may destroy the relationship. The goals of coming together in the relationship should be well defined and renewed on a regular basis.
The kind of people you interact with has a direct influence on certain areas of your life. They consciously and unconsciously influence your decision making, your lifestyle, your character, etc. It is very important that we don’t just build relationship with just anyone but rather we need to pay close attention to the kind of people we relate with and consciously relate with people who will make us better and stronger. Only relationships built on God have the potential of lasting long.
- Victor Adeagbo ( A medical doctor )
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