Happy Valentine

This day is when I don't feel like writing, when there is no inspiration- no muse. This is when I begin to doubt my writing ability, whether there was ever a time I could write at all. This is that time of the day when I fear that writing might not love me as much as I love it. It is that time when I worry about love.
I fear not to be loved.


It is amazing that when I think about romantic love, the kind of love it appears that they celebrate at this time, all I think of is creative writing.
It is that thing for which I can awaken love, and the time is always right- because I know love should be let to sleep, till the time is right.

Writing has been a good lover. It has held me in its arms on cold nights, wiped my tears when my eye sockets became a river course. It has sent me gifts and love poems on days when it was far from February, and it wasn't Valentine.

However, there have been times when I didn't feel like it was there. There have been times when someone asked me if I loved writing and all I could say was:
'Well, kind of.'
Days when there was no butterfly, no vibe, nothing I could see as an evidence of love.

Like I said, today is one of such days. But there, I have 246 words. I have to write that in words so you see how long- two hundred and forty six. That you read this far means I have been writing and my love has been there for me.
Now, it's obvious I don't have to feel it or feel like it: my love is always there.
Maybe you are thinking. Your thought is as good as mine.
Love is commitment. A will to make it work. A long suffering, patient thing. A 'believing against unbelief'.
That moment when it looked like I couldn't do this, I knew I had to.
I call it 'a call to love'.

So it's Valentine. I have been left confused about the concept after reading so many stories.
I guess I'd just stick with what my dictionary says. Really, that's the best you can have from me, because what I think is quite complicated for now.
So you get an idea of what it is like, I think I don't believe in Valentine, the February 14th attachment.

'A show of affection, especially romantic affection, usually in form of gift, greeting card or message given to a person the object of affection, especially on the February 14th.'

If this is all that it is, how can there be any harm?
Well, a lot of things are in themselves good, until the children of men set it to abnormal use- abuse.

With deep feelings, accompanied with a good level of thought, I call for a call to love.
I hope that it is not shattered that a part of it might be taken and sent forth, but that the whole of it be given, which really isn't, except that the essence be included.
If I could wish, I mean if Valentine granted wishes,
I wish that we all would find the essence of love so that we would not give fragments of it.

This is wishing myself more than gifts and greeting cards or messages: a heart that can love and be loved.
This is to all that I love, will love; all that has loved, love and will love me.
To Him, to them, to me, to it.

I like to think that I  have not mentioned 'love' these twenty six times because the date says it's the 14th of February.

I love writing, I really do.

And since it is the way of the world, I hope that today, this love of mine will send out love.
To you.
                                                              Joy Adegbite


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