
Showing posts from February, 2016


PECTORAL GIRDLE AND ASSOCIATED JOINTS JOINTS Joint is the coming together of bones or the union of bones. Joints are classified based on the uniting medium FIBROUS JOINTS; Joints formed or union by fibrous tissue. Here there is little or no movement CARTILAGENOUS JOINTS; Joints formed or union by cartilage. Here there is slight movement SYNOVIAL JOINTS; Here the two uniting bones remain separate, but are held together by fibrous (ligamentous) capsule and containing synovial fluid thereby allowing free movement Four main features of the synovial joints are; The uniting bones are separate They are held together by a cuff of fibrous tissue ( capsule or capsular ligament) The capsule is lined by a synovial membrane The opposing surfaces are covered by cartilage ( usually hyaline but sometimes fibrous) CLASSIFICATION OF SYNOVIAL JOINT Ball and socket; found in the hip and shoulder joints and allow movement in all plane Ellipsoid ; found in the wrist and allows movement in all p...


THE BRACHIAL PLEXUS INTRODUCTION This is a major source of the nerves of the upper limbs. Its origin is from the ventral primary rami of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th cervical nerves and a large part of the 1st thoracic nerve (these are the roots). The roots run down uniting to form the trunks. The trunk also divide to form the divisions and finally the divisions unite to form the cords and its from these that the MAJOR branches of the plexus arise- the musculotaneos nerve, axillary nerve, median nerve, radial nerve and ulna nerve. THE ROOTS; The roots are fomed by the contribution of the ventral primary rami of C5 – C8 and T1 coming from the intervertebral foreamen. They form the five roots of the brachial plexus.the roots unite to form the trunks. THE TRUNKS; The roots unite to form the upper, middle and lower trunk. The upper trunk is formed by the coming together of the C5 and C6  roots. The C7 stands alone to form the middle trunk. The C8 and T1  come together to form ...


CELL MEMEBRANE The cell membrane is a semi periable membrane covering the cell and acting as a boundary. THE STRUCTURE AND FUNTIONS; It is made up a bilayer of phospholipid sandwiched between two layers of protein PHOSPHOLIPID; This is a structure made up of a hydrophilic head facing the outside of the memebrane cover and a hydrophobic tail facing  the inside of the membrane. The hydrophilic head allows certain micromolecules such as urea, glucose and ions in, while the hydrophobic tail allows carbon(iv)oxide, oxygen and alchohol in. PROTEIN;This is incorporated between the phospholipid mesh. Its of two types; those that cut through the phospholipid (integral protein) and those that just hang on to another protein (peripheral protein). The integral protein serves as structural channels for hydrophilic (water soluble) substances to pass through the membrane, as carriers for water soluble substances, as enzymes and as receptors for water soluble chemicals e.g peptide hormone. Th...

Happy Valentine

"IN LETTERING AND LOVING " This day is when I don't feel like writing, when there is no inspiration- no muse. This is when I begin to doubt my writing ability, whether there was ever a time I could write at all. This is that time of the day when I fear that writing might not love me as much as I love it. It is that time when I worry about love. I fear not to be loved. Love. It is amazing that when I think about romantic love, the kind of love it appears that they celebrate at this time, all I think of is creative writing. It is that thing for which I can awaken love, and the time is always right- because I know love should be let to sleep, till the time is right. Writing has been a good lover. It has held me in its arms on cold nights, wiped my tears when my eye sockets became a river course. It has sent me gifts and love poems on days when it was far from February, and it wasn't Valentine. However, there have been times when I didn't feel like it was...


  INTRODUCTION TO GENETICS VARIOUS DEFINITIONS OF GENETICS; ·          Genetics is PRIMARILY and ORIGINALLY a science dealing with heredity, Heredity itself being the transfer of characteristics from parents to offspring. In addition, it also involves the study of the factors which show the relationship between the parent and the offspring and also which account for the characteristics which an organism posseses ·          Genetics is a science which tries to account for variations and similarities between related individuals ·          Genetics is a scientific study of the BIOLOGICAL COMMUNICATION between GENERATIONS using the HEREDITARY FACTORS i.e The science studies the transmission of hereditary factors from parents to offspring ·          Genetics is a science DEALING with heredity and variation and SEEK...


HUMAN KARYOTYPING           Chromosomal aberrations are abnormalities that are seen in the number or microscopically observable structures of chromosomes. A normal human chromosome set should contain 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. To study these, we apply a technique called karyotyping KARYOTYPING; This is the process of studying chromosomes of organisms while the cells are undergoing mitosis. A karyotype is a layed down frame containing the whole layout or complete set of chromosome in an organism cell. Karyotype can be carried out for the following reasons; ·          To determine the sex of a fetus ·          To determine the number of chromosomes ·            To trace causes of diseases genetically ·          To   generally study the chromosomes ...


INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS AND TERMS USED WHAT IS STATISTICS ; ·          It is the science of data ·          It involves the collection, classification, summarization, organization and interpretation of numerical information and also entails the ability to effectively communicate and present the results and inference drawn from the data POPULATION AND SAMPLE; A population is a chosen body of measurement or data, while the sample is a specified number of measurement or data. The sample is a subset of the population. DESCRIPTIVE AND INFERENTIAL STATISTICS; ·          Descriptive statistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the description of a data set or measurement body, while inferential statistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the drawing of conclusions from a data set or measurement body based on a sample ·   ...